We are pleased to invite you to an evening to attend and evening of music and short literary interventions.
Tuesday June 21st 2016. 6.00 – 8.00pm. At The Heinrich Böll Cottage Dugort, Achill Island.
Musician: Hansruedi Zeder.
Music on the clavichord (an old keybord instrument from the Middle ages and the Baroque period)
– featuring music from different composers (European and Irish, including Achill based Brent Parker) and short literary interventions in German and Italian.
With current artist in residence Ulrich Suter and Leonardo Tonini. Tuesday June 21st 2016. 6.00 – 8.00pm. At The Heinrich Böll Cottage Dugort, Achill Island: https://goo.gl/maps/KpyJzcRftTMiG8x88
Concerto e Poesia nella casa di Heinrich Böll a Dugort sull'isola di Achill, Irlanda.
Musicista: Hansruedi Zeder, clavicordo da viaggio.
Poesie di Ulrich Suter & Leonardo Tonini
Gian Salis - Preambolo Exquisitissimum.
Carl Nielson - Piano music for young and old, preludio.
J. S. Bach - BWV 999, preludio.
Erik Satie - Nocturne, 1919.
Luzzasco Luzzaschi - Aura Soave, dai Concerti delle dame.
Antonio De Cabezon - Diferencias su El Canto llano del caballero.
Stefano Ghisleri - Canone inverso perpetuo sulle cifre di π. (2016)
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